Welcome! What to expect…

Hello readers!

I just wanted to let you know what you can expect from the blog.

I can’t tell you how often I see businesses make errors in handling their leaves of absences, to a point that they are setting themselves up for serious lawsuits with the devastating decisions they make. So, I figured that I’d create this blog so that I can save you, your business, and your employees.

How does this blog help?

Well, I will use this to post weekly, whether it’s about a specific state’s leave laws, a common error that’s made and how to avoid it, or - and this one is my favorite - answering YOUR questions. If you’re finding that you’re dealing with a crazy, confusing case, reach out to me! Send me your questions and concerns, and I can use that as a teaching tool for everyone.

So, buckle up, and prepare for the best LOA information on the web!


Leave vs. Pay: What You Need To Know


FMLA - Signs and Steps To Take